Saturday, June 12, 2010


As of today, I have pretty much one week until I head up to Interlochen. How Exciting! For how lazy I've been the past week or two, there definitely is a LOT to get done...and yes I STILL haven't started packing... whoops. I should win an award for procrastination or something. :) Well.. I guess that's not completely true.. I DID start packing some things up for college in the Fall. my room is FULL of piles of clothes and other stuff, I'm finding it hard to differentiate between college and camp..this WILL be my project for this week..I PROMISE.

I went shopping at Target the other day and got all my camp necessities, like toothpaste, deodorant, stamps, paper, envelops, shampoo..ect. I didn't realize how much stuff i needed until I actually paid for it all, boo! Oh well, life goes on...

The first things on my list of "what to pack" are all my college things. I have a whole bin full of towels..beach towels, shower towels, hand towels, kitchen towels..along with a shower curtain and bathroom rugs..SO much stuff for just a bathroom! There is also another bin full of wintry clothes, and other clothes that I will not need for camp. Then there's the SHOE BIN. This bin is full of shoes that I won't wear at camp, such as all my dress heels, and winter boots and sneakers. i still have one last empty bin to fill college things with, and I might have to buy one or two more so fit everything else in.. not to mention the bigger things I need to purchase which include: A Car, Pots & Pans, A Bed, and Closet Storage.. I think my mommy will be helping me out with a few of those on the list hopefully while i'm gone up north..that would make things a heck of a lot easier on me come August. After camp concludes-which is august 9th- I will be heading back to Plymouth for a couple days to do laundry and finalize everything, then It's back to KZoo for the rest of the year!

I am so unbelievably excited for the fall, and moving into my townhouse with my three friends in the clarinet studio that I just cannot wait! I will be the last one to move in, but I am still incredibly excited for the Fall.

The past month and a half home has been nice seeing and spending time with everybody, but I definitely think It's time for me to move back out and "do my own thing". I love my family very, very much, but everyone's schedules and personalities have changed quite a bit since I've been away at college. I knew that was going to happen, but it makes things feel a lot more foreign than before.

All is well though, I will get my packing done somehow, and I definitely inherited my packing skills from my mother, so that should help as well! One week left!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph,
    Glad to hear you made progress on your packing! I'm proud to pass on the skill to you as I inherited it from my mother too! Try packing for a family of 9 right!

    Good things come to those who wait! Better things come to those who wait and plan well. I know you will have both, but maybe not as fast as you'd like but they will still be here none the less.

    We have loved having you home for a short time this summer. My only regret is that I haven't heard you play. How I love the sound of the Clarinet.

    You were always a very spunky kid growning up and quite the eaterh, as most people know, but I can not tell you how proud we are of the young adult your growing into!

    Your infectious creativity and purkey attitude will be well receptive with the kids attending camp this year. Learn as much as you teach and continue to grow.

    Love ya.

