Friday, June 25, 2010

Campers are Coming!!!

That's right! The Campers Arrive tomorrow!!

I reside in Cabin 16 with my co-counselor, Katie. She's super cool and is from Okemos, Michigan! Woo! Everyone just finished all the cabin decorating and cleaning. It was a lot to get done in between meetings and activitied, but somehow we all managed to do it. Katie and I will have 14 girls in our cabin all around the age of 15-16 years old and they are from all over; Oregon, Florida, Tokyo, Chicago, Michigan, Toronto, Hong Kong, Atlanta, and Virginia. It should definitely be a fun summer. Today a truck came with a lot of the camper's luggage in huge boxes and bags. It took all of the HSG staff to get all the boxes and bags sorted out but it was a little fun in the process. Tomorrow morning at 9 is when the campers get here, so we are all so very excited!

On a super duper side note, the HSG and HSB Staff went to a place called Platte Pointe for a staff BBQ and hang out. It was SO pretty, and I had never been before! It's where the Platte River dumps out into lake Michigan, so the current from the River and the waves from the lake create this whirlpool of sorts, and there are a ton of pretty rocks. I should be able to post pictures soon, but the internet here is absolute crap, it takes three minutes just for the page to load and decide it's not going to Oh well. I am now realizing that a car would be kind of nice because I could go into Traverse City on my days off. I don't want to rely on anyone to take me to target or meijer so i'm feeling a little stranded and worried on what I'm going to do on my days off from now on...

Oh well I guess I'll figure something out? Well It's time to get cleaned up and ready for bed, and also ready for 14 new people living in our cabin tomorrow! I'll post next whenever I get the chance!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steph,

    I'm going to try my hardest to make it up to Interlochen on one of my days off, and then you and I can go spend the day in Traverse if you like. :) I hope the first day with the campers goes well, along with the next 6 weeks with them. I miss you

    <3 Joe
