Sunday, June 27, 2010

Platte Point Pictures

The internet is finally cooperating!

....well sort of.haha

Here are a few pictures from the Staff trip to Platte Point :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Campers are Coming!!!

That's right! The Campers Arrive tomorrow!!

I reside in Cabin 16 with my co-counselor, Katie. She's super cool and is from Okemos, Michigan! Woo! Everyone just finished all the cabin decorating and cleaning. It was a lot to get done in between meetings and activitied, but somehow we all managed to do it. Katie and I will have 14 girls in our cabin all around the age of 15-16 years old and they are from all over; Oregon, Florida, Tokyo, Chicago, Michigan, Toronto, Hong Kong, Atlanta, and Virginia. It should definitely be a fun summer. Today a truck came with a lot of the camper's luggage in huge boxes and bags. It took all of the HSG staff to get all the boxes and bags sorted out but it was a little fun in the process. Tomorrow morning at 9 is when the campers get here, so we are all so very excited!

On a super duper side note, the HSG and HSB Staff went to a place called Platte Pointe for a staff BBQ and hang out. It was SO pretty, and I had never been before! It's where the Platte River dumps out into lake Michigan, so the current from the River and the waves from the lake create this whirlpool of sorts, and there are a ton of pretty rocks. I should be able to post pictures soon, but the internet here is absolute crap, it takes three minutes just for the page to load and decide it's not going to Oh well. I am now realizing that a car would be kind of nice because I could go into Traverse City on my days off. I don't want to rely on anyone to take me to target or meijer so i'm feeling a little stranded and worried on what I'm going to do on my days off from now on...

Oh well I guess I'll figure something out? Well It's time to get cleaned up and ready for bed, and also ready for 14 new people living in our cabin tomorrow! I'll post next whenever I get the chance!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pictures and Pre-Camp

The first day of pre-camp has concluded and it was a busy and tiresome one. Everyday I meet new people, and the HSG unit officially played the "name game" to learn everyone's name. Playing the name game is a challenge with 46 people! Anywho, I thought i'd post a few pictures from online to show you some of the beautiful places I will be around campus this summer!

The Interlochen Bowl

Sunset on the Water

The Chapel

First Inside View of Corson Auditorium

Second Inside View of Corson Auditorium

The Creative Writing House

There are many other buildings at Interlochen where classes, dorms, and rehearsals are held that are as beautiful as these. The rest of my week is jam packed with meetings, activities, preparation for the campers, and meeting/getting to know all of the other counselors. It should be a busy busy summer, but no doubt a great one!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer Has Arrived!

I have finally arrived at Interlochen!

Thanks to Joseph for being super awesome and giving me a ride up to Interlochen and helping me move all my things into the cabin and getting me settled in.. As of right now, all 45 HSG (High School Girls) Staff are bunked in three different cabins until Wednesday. It's kinda cool because we'll all get a chance to know each other before the campers get here, but since we're moving out of our cabins Wednesday, none of us can really unpack, so the cabin is a mess with piles of suitcases crammed everywhere. It's like living out of a box again!

This evening we had a s'mores fire/mingling get together with the HSB (High School Boys) Staff. It was fun, but I feel like i've introduced myself SO many times today. There are about 70 ish of us High School Counselors, so there are quite a lot of introductions to still be had within the next week and the rest of the summer. It was great getting to meet people, and everyone is from all over...Michigan, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Arizona, California..So it's pretty cool to talk to different people from different places. Our get together is on the "Sun Decker" which is a pavilion type structure that over looks the lake in the HSG division. The picture below is what the sunset semi-looked like today, and will look like during the summer:

This week is going to be super busy with staff training, orientation, and plenty of name-games...woo. haha. Tomorrow will be a 6:30 AM wake up with breakfast at 7:15 AM and a list of meetings, activities, meals, and more meetings from 8:30 AM to 10 PM. LONG DAY. As will be the many ahead of me this summer, BUT... It's all okay because I'm here at Interlochen, and It's already looking like it will be a blast this summer. I am definitely looking forward to meeting more people tomorrow and getting my cabin assignments later this week.

Ciao for now!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Sounds of Summer

I don't think I have the ability to express to you how excited I am right now at this very moment.. I got some packing done!

Hooray...but no really.. that's not even close to why I am this excited..

Every summer at Interlochen, one of my most favorite things to do is to take a morning walk on main campus after breakfast and all my morning activities/rehearsals/duties are completed. The smell of the fresh morning dew being lifted off of the grass and trees by the warm northern Michigan sun, the smell of delicious coffee brewing at the coffee tent, and yes, even the smell of the musty Maddy Building is quite comforting. All these smells come together in a plethora of senses with memories that accompany them, but what makes the whole morning absolutely beautiful is the music that can be heard from Kresge. Even though the music is just rehearsals of the various high school ensembles, they all sound fantastic because....well...because it's Interlochen of course.

Why I am so excited today (and for the next 7 weeks) is because of the repertoire that is scheduled to be performed this summer. There are four high school ensembles: The World Youth Symphony Orchestra (A.K.A WYSO), The Interlochen Philharmonic, The World Youth Wind Symphony, and the Interlochen Symphony Band.

If you are musically inclined, or have any knowledge of classical music at all, you will see why I am so excited for this summer.. here is the complete repertoire list for all the high school groups this summer:

World Youth Symphony Orchestra

Week One

Variations on America--------------------------------------Ives/Schuman
Symphony No. 3---------------------------------------------Rorem
Star Spangled Banner---------------------------------------Smith/Williams
Stars and Stripes Forever----------------------------------Sousa

Week Two

Concerto for clarinet, K.622, A Major-----------------------Mozart
Pines of Rome-----------------------------------------------Respighi

Week Three

Rumanian Rhapsody,Op. 11, No. 1, A Major---------------------Enesco

Week Four

Three Hallucinations------------------------------------------Corigliano
The Red Violin:Suite for Violin and Orchestra-----------------Corigliano
Kings Row Prelude---------------------------------------------Korngold
Concerto for Violin, Op. 35, D Major--------------------------Korngold
Star Wars Medley: Main Theme----------------------------------Williams/Burden

Week Five

Symphony No. 3, Op. 97, E-Flat Major--------------------------Schumann
Der Fliegende Holländer,WWV 63(the flying dutchman):Overture--Wagner/Hoffman

Week Six

Symphony No. 9, Op. 95, B. 178, E minor-----------------------Dvořák
Les Préludes--------------------------------------------------Liszt

Interlochen Philharmonic

Week One

RODEO FOUR DANCE EPISODES: Saturday Night Waltz---------------Copland
RODEO FOUR DANCE EPISODES: Buckaroo Holiday-------------------Copland
RODEO FOUR DANCE EPISODES: Corral Nocturne--------------------Copland
RODEO FOUR DANCE EPISODES: Hoe-Down---------------------------Copland
Ancient Desert Drone------------------------------------------Cowell
Grand Canyon Suite--------------------------------------------Grofé

Week Two

La belle Hélène: Overture-------------------------------------Offenbach
March from the Love of Three Oranges--------------------------Prokofiev
Preludio Sinfonico--------------------------------------------Puccini
The Bartered Bride (Prodaná nevěsta):Three Dances-------------Smetana
Possible Student Concerto Winner------------------------------TBD

Week Three

Carmen Suite No. 1--------------------------------------------Bizet
Carmen Suite No. 2--------------------------------------------Bizet
Escales (Ports of Call)---------------------------------------Ibert
Possible Student Concert Winner-------------------------------TBD

Week Four

Rákóczy March "Hungarian March" from La damnation de Faust----Berlioz
Symphony No. 2, Op.30-----------------------------------------Hanson
Colas Breugnon, op.24 (Kola Bryun'yon): Overture--------------Kabalevsky
Prelude No. 14, Op. 34----------------------------------------Shostakovitch
Possible Student Concerto Winner------------------------------TBD

Week Five

Requiem, Op. 9------------------------------------------------Duruflé
Symphony No. 5, C Sharp minor---------------------------------Mahler

Week Six

Spartacus Suite No. 1-----------------------------------------Khachaturian
Spartacus Suite No. 2-----------------------------------------Khachaturian
Les Préludes--------------------------------------------------Liszt
Belkis, Queen of Sheba----------------------------------------Respighi

World Youth Wind Symphony

Week One

Marche Hongroise from The Damnation of Faust------------------Berlioz/Gotoh
Music for Prague----------------------------------------------Husa

Week Two

Ecstatic Waters-----------------------------------------------Bryant
Raise the Roof for Timpani and Symphonic Band-----------------Daugherty

Week Three

Rusty Air in Carolina-----------------------------------------Bates
El Salon Mexico-----------------------------------------------Copland/Hindsley
George Washington Bridge--------------------------------------Schumann

Week Four

My Jesus! Oh, What Anguish!-----------------------------------Bach/Reed
Festal Scenes: Jojôteki - "Matsuri"---------------------------Ito
Variations on America for Band--------------------------------Ives-Schumann/Rhoads
Aegean Festival Overture--------------------------------------Makris
Mother Earth (A Fanfare)--------------------------------------Maslanka
Psalm for Band------------------------------------------------Persichetti

Week Five

Aurora Awakes-------------------------------------------------Mackey
Symphony No. 4------------------------------------------------Maslanka

Week Six

Symphonic Concert March---------------------------------------Bonelli/Falcone
"Promise of Living" from The Tenderland-----------------------Copland/Singleton
Les Préludes--------------------------------------------------Liszt
Symphony No. 2------------------------------------------------Maslanka

Interlochen Symphony Band

Week One

Amazing Grace-------------------------------------------------Himes-Maldonado
Symphony on Themes of John Philip Sousa-----------------------Hearshen
Elegy for a Young American------------------------------------Lo Presti
Fairest of the Fair March-------------------------------------Sousa Fennell
Symphony No. 2: III Apollo Unleashed--------------------------Ticheli
Blue Shades---------------------------------------------------Ticheli

Week Two

The Immovable Do----------------------------------------------Grainger
Blithe Bells--------------------------------------------------Grainger

Week Three

Prelude in the Dorian Mode------------------------------------De Cabézon/Grainger
Fantasies on a Theme by Haydn---------------------------------Dello Joio
Chaconne (In Memoriam…)---------------------------------------Nelson
Lyric Waltz from Jazz Suite No. 2-----------------------------Shostakovitch/De Meij
Dance I (from Jazz Suite No. 2)-------------------------------Shostakovitch/De Meij

Week Four

Candide Suite-------------------------------------------------Bernstein/Grundman
Early Light---------------------------------------------------Bremer
Contre Qui Rose-----------------------------------------------Lauridsen/Reynolds

Week Five

American Salute-----------------------------------------------Gould/Lang
Running Set---------------------------------------------------Vaughan Williams/Daehn

Week Six

Concert Piece No. 2 in E‐flat major, op.12--------------------Brandt
Les Préludes--------------------------------------------------Liszt
Give us this Day----------------------------------------------Maslanka

With Conductors like Jung-Ho Pak, Gary Green, David Hattner, Octavio Mas-Arocas, Donald McKinney, Stephen Pratt, Paul Salerni, Jerry Junkin, and Kevin Sedatole, need I say more?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


As of today, I have pretty much one week until I head up to Interlochen. How Exciting! For how lazy I've been the past week or two, there definitely is a LOT to get done...and yes I STILL haven't started packing... whoops. I should win an award for procrastination or something. :) Well.. I guess that's not completely true.. I DID start packing some things up for college in the Fall. my room is FULL of piles of clothes and other stuff, I'm finding it hard to differentiate between college and camp..this WILL be my project for this week..I PROMISE.

I went shopping at Target the other day and got all my camp necessities, like toothpaste, deodorant, stamps, paper, envelops, shampoo..ect. I didn't realize how much stuff i needed until I actually paid for it all, boo! Oh well, life goes on...

The first things on my list of "what to pack" are all my college things. I have a whole bin full of towels..beach towels, shower towels, hand towels, kitchen towels..along with a shower curtain and bathroom rugs..SO much stuff for just a bathroom! There is also another bin full of wintry clothes, and other clothes that I will not need for camp. Then there's the SHOE BIN. This bin is full of shoes that I won't wear at camp, such as all my dress heels, and winter boots and sneakers. i still have one last empty bin to fill college things with, and I might have to buy one or two more so fit everything else in.. not to mention the bigger things I need to purchase which include: A Car, Pots & Pans, A Bed, and Closet Storage.. I think my mommy will be helping me out with a few of those on the list hopefully while i'm gone up north..that would make things a heck of a lot easier on me come August. After camp concludes-which is august 9th- I will be heading back to Plymouth for a couple days to do laundry and finalize everything, then It's back to KZoo for the rest of the year!

I am so unbelievably excited for the fall, and moving into my townhouse with my three friends in the clarinet studio that I just cannot wait! I will be the last one to move in, but I am still incredibly excited for the Fall.

The past month and a half home has been nice seeing and spending time with everybody, but I definitely think It's time for me to move back out and "do my own thing". I love my family very, very much, but everyone's schedules and personalities have changed quite a bit since I've been away at college. I knew that was going to happen, but it makes things feel a lot more foreign than before.

All is well though, I will get my packing done somehow, and I definitely inherited my packing skills from my mother, so that should help as well! One week left!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


To start off, I created this blog so that I can post pictures, stories and my day-to-day activities while at Interlochen Arts Camp for the summer. Cell Phones and Computers are not permitted to be used by or around the campers, so I figured a blog would come in handy so that I could post lots of information all at once! :)

Alright, now that you get the idea, it's time for a little Pre-Pre-Camp Discussion. I have MASSIVE amounts of packing to do. Procrastination has been breathing down my neck for the past month and I've let the aroma of it's breath engulf me. No more! Lots of College stuff has to be re-organized and packed away and everything for camp this summer has to be laid out into piles and packed before June 20th. 17 more days and counting! I will be at camp for a total of Seven Weeks, and I am a HUGE culprit of over packing... I just have to tell myself that I can do it! Some things are already laid out in piles, and since there is a uniform at Interlochen, it helps a great deal with not bringing too many clothes.

As many of you know, I was a camper at Interlochen for three summers. I cannot explain to you in words most of the experiences I've had, but I can say that Interlochen is a little strip of Musical Heaven. As a camper in the Two-Week All State Division (only available to Michigan residents) my uniform consisted of the Blue Polo, Navy Blue Shorts, and Yellow Socks. All the divisions at Interlochen are color coordinated by colored socks for girls and colored belts for boys. Here's a quick list of the divisions and their colors:

High School- Light Blue Belts/Socks
Intermediate- Red Belts/Socks
Junior- Navy Blue Belts/Socks

Each division also is identified by lanyards worn around the neck with a name tag attached to it. The same color scheme as the socks and belts apply. Staff members and counselors also wear Navy blue socks, but we are also allowed to wear white socks as well and we have orange lanyards with a photo i.d. attached to it.

So back to my tidbit of how camping at Interlochen was wonderful; I am extremely excited to return to the camp as a counselor and to meet new friends and musicians from all over the country and world. June 1st I started my countdown to Interlochen, so as of today I have 17 more days. There is so much to do, and while i'm packing, shopping and scrambling to get everything done, I'll post a few more entries before I go!