Saturday, August 7, 2010

Week Six

As Week Six comes to a close, there are a lot of things happening all at once. My camper evaluations are done, as well as most of my paperwork so I'm glad that's out of the way.

Last night I went to the Musical Theater production of Aida. It was very well done for a group of high schoolers who learned it in basically 4 weeks, and have just been refining it for the past two. It was about a Nubian princess who gets captured by the Egyptians, and whilst the two are fighting the Nubian Princess, Aida, starts to fall in love with the Capitan who captures her. Typical love story, but the music and lyrics were written by Elton John and Tim Rice so it was overall a pretty good production.

Today we had a 6AM line up (which usually it's 6:45) so that was early, but it was a little exciting because the trumpets played an arrangement of Rhapsody in Blue instead of the regular Reveille. Most of the campers had Les Prelude rehearsal this morning at 7AM sharp, so it was definitely an early morning for everyone. It is currently 55 and cloudy at Interlochen now, so it is SUPER chilly. I think a nice long nap is in order soon. For the campers, today is filled with last minute rehearsals, spending time with each other, and saying goodbye. Tonight the HSG division has our closing campfire where we reminisce on the past 6 weeks, and give out divisional camper awards. (such as honor division camper, and honor campers for each cabin) After that, all the girl return to their respective cabins and have a last night in the cabin before Les Prelude and the many hours home.

Sunday will be a very busy day with Les Prelude and most of the campers departing for home. Some leave in the morning, or mid-day, but most of the campers perform in the Les Prelude Concert Sunday evening. All the counselors are preparing ourselves for dealing with crying campers,helping some campers with their early departures, unwilling campers who don't want to leave, and for saying our goodbyes to the staff we've came so close to in the past seven weeks. It will be a difficult two days, but I know a lot of the staff and myself are ready to get home and move back to school. (and a REAL shower!)

Monday I will wake up pretty early, and finish packing up the car, and cleaning the cabin with my co-counselor and the few campers I will have left. I am driving one of the other HSG counselors to the Detroit Airport, so we will have to leave no later than Noon. This means a busy morning, and an afternoon full of driving for me. It will be good to get home, and come back to the life I have at school, but Interlochen will surely be missed just as much as it usually is every year.

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