Monday, August 9, 2010

And...That's a Wrap

Well everyone...The 83rd season of Interlochen Arts camp has concluded.

Sunday activities were lots of fun getting the chance to see all the campers perform one last time. The WYSO performed Dvorák's 9th Symphony Sunday evening and it was amazing. Following the WYSO Performance in the Interlochen Bowl, all four music groups (two orchestras, two bands) Squeezed in on stage and played Les Preludes, the third Symphonic Poem written by Liszt. It has been a tradition at Interlochen since the beginning of time, and it was and is a true culmination of the experiences had at Interlochen during the summer.

Following Les Preludes, all the campers and staff bid their adieus to each other before returning to division for last minute packing and final goodbyes within the cabin. This was an especially somber time, because the staff had been very close since day one, seven weeks ago. Lots of pictures were taken, tears shed, and plenty of "Keep in Touch, Facebook me!" were exchanged. I will surely miss all of the High School Staff and I do hope there are more chances than not to reunite and visit with each other.

Back in the cabin, we ordered pizza with the 9 out of 14 girls that were left. It was a quiet, relaxing time overall, and it was fun to hang out with the girls before they departed. I packed the car Sunday night until about 2:15am and didn't manage to get to bed until about 3:30..I woke up at about 5am to see one of my girls off, and to get gas in the car and air in my tires. At 6:30, Myself, and two other girl counselors piled into my car and started driving to Detroit. My two friends needed a ride to the Detroit Metro Airport, so I was happy to get to spend the 4.5 hour car ride with Interlochen people rather than all by myself.

Sitting here, I think of Interlochen and how odd it will be to drop certain things from my life..things such as:

Stone WF
Sco Sho
Apple Crisp
Sunday Lunch Service
Sundecker Sun Sets
Days off in TC
Meijer Runs
Friendship Bracelets
Craft Cabana
WYSO Concerts
Naps on the Couch in HQ1
Chair of Doom
...and the list goes on..

Every good thing has to end for another good thing to begin, but it is always difficult to leave Interlochen and go home to no structured schedule what so ever. At least this year I will be busy unpacking, repacking, buying a car, purchasing last minute apartment items, packing up the cars, and moving back to school in Kalamazoo. I am very excited to see what the semester will hold, but I know that it will be a busy one. From this point on, my summer is over. Once I move, I will be busy unpacking and getting settled into my townhouse with my three roommates and soon after that starts Band Camp at WMU, which runs right into the beginning of classes. This summer has gone by with lightning speed, but I am so glad that I was able to spend it at a place I love with people that I have grown to love just as much.

and now running on two hours of sleep, it's time to eat dinner and sleep!

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